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Is A Tag Hierarchy Possible in Notion Database

I am trying to solve the following problem:

In a database, there are three tag columns:

  1. MasterTags with 20 tags (single select)
  2. ChildTags1 each of the 20 MasterTags can have 1 to 20 Childtags1 (single select)
  3. ChildTags2 Each of the 20 Childtags1 can have 1 to 20 Childtags2 (single select)

In the ChildTags1 Column, only those ChildTags1 should be available for selection that are child tags of the specific MasterTag selected by user in the previous column left

In the ChildTags2 Column, only those ChildTags2 should be available for selection that are child tags of the specific ChildTag1 selected by user in the previous column left

I tried every way I could think of, but none was successful to reach the goal.
Maybe, the problem cannot be solved with Notion's features? Nevertheless, I hope that a Notion expert comes up with a solution


1 Answer


polle Points78860

This is not possible with Notion at the moment. Available tags can't be determined from other available items in other properties.


alpha2009 commented

Thank you - I feared so!

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