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Need help writing a multi-property if statement

I'm trying to build 3 formula's in Notion that does the following:

  • Check multiple date properties within the same database for the earliest date, then set the entry in that column to the earliest date.
  • Check multiple date properties within the same database for the latest date, then set the entry in that column to the latest date.
  • Count the days between the earliest date and the latest date, and return a total number of days.

I've created this formula, and it works between the two properties.

if(prop("DateA") < prop("DateB"), prop("DateA"), prop("DateB"))

But I need to index 5 different date properties, and choose the earliest one:
I've tried this, and it doesn't work:

if((prop("DateA") < prop("DateB")), prop("DateA"), prop("DateB"), if((prop("DateB") < prop("DateC")), prop("DateB"), prop("DateC"), if((prop("DateC") < prop("DateD")), prop("DateC"), prop("DateD"),

Any help or guidance writing these formulas would be greatly appreciated!

1 Answer


LamboNr5 Points910

Hi @goosetown47

I build a solution for you:

The formulars are:

Earliest Date:

fromTimestamp(min(timestamp(prop("Date1")), timestamp(prop("Date2")), timestamp(prop("Date3")), timestamp(prop("Date4")), timestamp(prop("Date5"))))

Latest Date:

fromTimestamp(max(timestamp(prop("Date1")), timestamp(prop("Date2")), timestamp(prop("Date3")), timestamp(prop("Date4")), timestamp(prop("Date5"))))


dateBetween(end(prop("Latest Date")), start(prop("Earliest Date")), "days")

Note that every date has to be filled in order to work properly.

Hope that I could help.

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