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Why do I have a 1,000 block storage limit?

I remember the block storage limit in Notion was cancelled several months ago. But when I tried to add a new blog, I got a notification that I have no more block available, why?

1 Answer


polle Points79030

I guess you are using the Team Plan in trial mode. There is no more block limit for all Notion users, except when using the Team Plan in trial mode.

You just need to upgrade or downgrade to a formal plan, and the limit will be cancelled.


nosy commented

Thank you, that was the problem.


Julian commented

I accidentally clicked the trial and I am facing the limitation right now. How to downgrade? The downgrade button is grey to me.


polle commented

Please open a new question on how to downgrade.


pinkyanicete1 commented

If you encounter the 1000 block storage limit, you are on a free trial of the Team plan. To downgrade, Go to Settings & Members on your sidebar. Click Upgrade > Under Personal, click Downgrade.

Hope that helps. :)


archAdrian commented

I can't find a way to downgrade, the options above are not working, and the 1000 block limit is actually paralyzing my account. Any suggestions on this, please? Thank you.


thomas_yang commented

Here's a video guide I did awhile back on how you can revert it


archAdrian commented

Thank you for your answer!
However, the video presented a different GUI. I managed in the end to unlock my space. I could not exclude the other 2 members of my space (which were actually my own accounts, just to test the features), I could only solve this by DELETING those accounts... it sounds to me as a TOO extreme decision to be forced to take. Of course, I am burying the platform already.

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