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I have a ‘Journal of interactions’ database I use across my whole system. I use it to journal my personal activities as well as my social interactions and also my professional interactions.

I’d love a way to hide or make visible different fields in this database depending on what type of entry I’m recording … I have templates for various different types of regular records I create.

For instance … I run a semi professional sporting organisation. I have a template I use to record an interaction with a contracted athelete. I have a relation field in the database that links the athelete’s contract (held in a separate database) to this record, so I’d like that field visible as a cue to me to populate it. On the other hand, When I record an interaction with one of our Sponsors, I don’t need the contract field, I need the ‘Organisation’ field visible so I can link the sponsor Organisation to this interaction (so I can use it in a CRM system within Notion). I might need to record an interaction relating to one of our events, so for that one I’ll need my ‘event database’ relation field visible so I can link it to the event …. and so on.

I like the idea of having all these interactions in the one database, but as a result there are quite a large number of fields, and apart from the basic who what where when type fields, not all of the other fields are needed or appropriate for every single record, and I have to scroll down through them and manually pick which fields to fill in. Sometimes I forget one and a potential link is lost.

Is there a way to hide or unhide certain fields based on what template I’m using to create the records? at the moment it just seems to default to the last page I had open.

1 Answer


polle Points100650

It is not possible at the moment to show or hide Notion properties based on a database template. If you hide them, every database template will be the same.

This happens because when you are creating a new item, you are pulling the information from the same Notion database and with the actual properties from it.

Maybe it will work better for you to have different Notion views from the same database instead of templates and fill directly what it is visible in each one of the views.

That way you can hide the properties as you need, directly in the table view.


Dodge commented

Thanks Polle, that'll work perfectly. Sometimes it's good to get a nudge to think outside the box. Much appeciated.

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