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No Access error in published web site

Using Notion for web site with a main landing page and link to 6 other pages all under Private. In the main page I am using Mention page block to access them so that I can add some descriptions to the links - works OK but the subpage links also appearing at the end as they are sub pages - I don’t want this. If I host the site on, I can hide the sub page links but super does not show database filters which is very important for my site.

If I move the other pages out of the main page links show up as No Access and cannot be accessed. If I publish all the sub pages links works OK but the breadcrumbs do not show the main page- the breadcrumb option itself is dimmed!

One of the pages has linked database view & when I open the details of a record in full page, the breadcrumb shows link to the original database (instead of the linked db view from which the details was open) which I do not want.

Is there a way to make a page public without publishing it ?
Any suggestion would be welcome.

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