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Lets say I do presentations.

But each presentation I do is unique to the team I present too.

However, I use re-usable content to create each new presentation.

For example,

I have a topics database. It holds all my topics.

Then I have a presentation database. It has has a relation back to the Topics database. I link back to 4 or 5 topics that are going to be in my presentation.

Can the presentation Article Field, within its body, display the text from the related Topics?

I know there are synced blocks. But that is truly inefficient. It means for every entry in my Topics database, I need to create a synced block around the text in the body of that Topic.

It is doable for sure, but not inefficient.

I just want to create the relationship at the database level and BOOM display the text in the body of the new page.

Does that make sense?

1 Answer


polle Points88140

With Notion you can create a template button to generate new pre-build pages like that, but you need to create all the template pages and content first, to then create a button that generates pages on the fly.

But this is not based on relations, it is based on the pre-build pages templates you create.

Otherwise you may be able to create an automation using Zapier, Make or similar to achieve this based on another action.

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