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Where are the notion files stored

Does the computer's memory fill up when adding files to the notion program or are they stored in a cloud location?


Huant commented

And yes , does the computer 's memory fill up at the same time ? I didn't and didn't understand

1 Answer


polle Points88140

Notion stores files online in Amazon Web Services. This may change to other providers, but to answer your question everything is online.

If you upload an image to Notion and delete it from your computer, then the image is in the cloud and not in your computer unless you download it again.


Huant commented

Notion stores files online in Amazon Web Services. This may change to other providers, but to answer your question everything is online.

If you upload an image to Notion and delete it from your computer, then the image is in the cloud and not in your computer unless you download it again.

So my computer will not fill up the memory even if I create 1000 pages in notion ?


polle commented

That is correct, Notion stores data online.


Huant commented

Well then that's cool

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