I previously posted the following problem:
I have a Notion formula that pulls out the max date(the last date) from two columns, however the formula does not work unless both columns have an entry. I still need the formula to work if one of the columns has a date. What can I add to make this work?
I received the following formula that worked
if(empty(prop("Last Date Used - Across All Verticals")), prop("Last Date Used (Historical - Manually Entered)"), if(empty(prop("Last Date Used (Historical - Manually Entered)")), prop("Last Date Used - Across All Verticals"), fromTimestamp(max(timestamp(prop("Last Date Used - Across All Verticals")), timestamp(prop("Last Date Used (Historical - Manually Entered)"))))))
I am however running into a similar issue. I can’t seem to tweak the formula to work with multiple Notion columns (not just two). I currently have 5 date columns, and I want the formula to pull out the max date between 2 or more columns OR provide a date if just one of the columns is filled.
Current formula:
fromTimestamp(max(timestamp(prop("Date 1")), timestamp(prop("Date 2")), timestamp(prop("Date 3")), timestamp(prop("Date 4")), timestamp(prop("Date 5"))))
How do I add an If(empty statement to have the formula still pull out a date, when all of the columns don’t have an entry.
I appreciate any Notion help you can provide.