I tried creating the following formula to create a background based on whether wOBA is greater or less than a certain amount. However, there is no output when I try to do this. If I do >=0.400, style ("purple_background")
instead of just >0.400, style ("purple_background"), there is an output, but it is just the text "purple_background"
with a red background and doesn't change based on the value of wOBA. How do I fix this?
ifs(prop("wOBA")>0.400, style("purple_background", prop("wOBA")<0.400, style("blue_background"), prop("wOBA")<0.370, style("green_background"), prop("wOBA")<0.340, style("gray_background"), prop("wOBA")<0.320, style("yellow_background"), prop("wOBA")<0.310, style("orange_background"), prop("wOBA")<0.300, style("pink_background"), prop("wOBA")<0.290, style("red_background")))