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Tasks are often dependent on each other.

  • I can't start editing until Bob finishes writing.
  • We can't put the roof on until all four walls (each with their own projects) are completed.
  • Our sprint tasks all start at the same time.
  • My oversight starts when the list of the contractors' work starts and ends when all of their work is completed.
    So it's great to make pretty GANTT and Calendar pictures, but we need to model the work dependencies if we're to leave other tools.

1 Answer


polle Points94270

You will need to create a Notion system that works as described using properties, formulas, rollups, status, users, tasks, sub-tasks, etc...

Not simple, but it is possible for sure.

It is complicated to share how to create a complete and complex Notion system like that from scratch, because it is big.

Just go step by step adding extra functionality to your main databases and it will work. Once it is finished you will have total control to manage projects and tasks as described.

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