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Can I automate my starting balance?

I have made this Notion template to track my trades but I need to manually add the new Balance after every trade.

Is there a way to automate this without losing % per trade I made?

I will send screenshot

Thx in advance


polle commented

Please dedicate at least 5 minutes to ask your questions, so it is possible to understand your needs, the problem and the solution you are looking for.

I made a Notion template to track my trades.
I have a column where I enter a number.
I have another column where I enter a text.
I have another column for this other thing.
I want to do this calculating the column 1 and 2.
The problem I have is this.
And I want to have this result.

The more time you spend elaborating your question, the better answer you will get, otherwise we have to imagine what you actually need and that is impossible.


TommyFFX commented

Okey verry sorry about that, I'm new to Notion
So my problem is I want to fill in a number from the same table database from the previous row of another property.

I have the property "Starting Balance" where I want to fill in the number from the previous row of the property "Balance"

I know relations and rollups can be used for different databases but what about the same database just another row (the previous one) from another property.

Thx in advance!

1 Answer


polle Points88140

Ok, now it is clear what you need and you can do it with a simple Notion formula. What is not clear enough is why you need 2 columns with exactly the same information.

Create a new formula property called Starting Balance and use the following.


That will show what you have in the Balance property as you need.


TommyFFX commented

No this doesn't work, I will just fill in it manually I guess


TommyFFX commented

To bad you can't copy one property to another propterty from another row, this would do the job but there is no command like prev or previous or something to get something from another row/property, just commands/formula's in the same row are possible I guess


TommyFFX commented

The problem now is when I would make the formula making a balance1 with just prop("name of the rollup witch is balance")
It would copy the first $ 0 like in the picture below:

and the starting balance would be gone (100.000)


TommyFFX commented

Damne you have the answer? :-)


polle commented

Sorry, I am not able to understand what you need.

I again suggest as I did in my first comment to take the time and elaborate a proper question. Adding 16 comments one after the other none stop and changing the original question for new ones randomly just complicates everything.

Keep in mind Notion formulas work by row, so you can't compare row 1 vs row 2, everything is for the single row. I comment this as some of your comments, questions and screenshots shows mixed rows, so maybe the structure is wrong and you need to think how to do what you need, which is not clear.

If you take the time to elaborate a proper question that explains everything and what you need (in one post and without changing the needs), I will take the time to help you until it works as you need if it is possible, because maybe it is not.


TommyFFX commented

I got it! It's fixed


TommyFFX commented

This is strange.. How can the sum be 85.2 % on the bottom of my database under P/L %


TommyFFX commented

It has something to do with the more then 5 entry's, what could this be?
Everything is fine putting 5 entry's in


TommyFFX commented

Found this on Notion:

What are the Page History limits?
Another well-documented limitation of the plans is how long the history of your Page updates is saved.

The Page History limits are currently:

Free: 7 days
Plus: 30 days
Business: 90 days
Enterprise: Unlimited

it's the 7th page/row that failed!
This is the cause I presume.

Note: this reference limit also applies to Rollup references to other databases. So if you pull data from a Rollup and then reference that Rollup, you’ll start running into missing data after 7-references as well.

That's it! My rollup is failing after the 7th reference.


polle commented

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