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When I select text w/ images from a webpage, are the images uploaded to Notion? Or are they just a link to the original image?

If they're just a copy, is there a way to actually copy the images? Even if it's paid?

1 Answer


polle Points88780

You need to copy the image itself, not the reference of it in a webpage.

If you select copy link, copy image address or simply select as text, the image will be a reference.

Right click on the image > copy image > go to Notion and paste.

That will upload the image directly to notion.


arli commented

Thanks for confirming it... That's what I feared. Is there a quick way to actually copy the image, without having to go one image one by one?

Or is there some way of backing up the notion notebook, so that it also downloads the images?


polle commented

I suggest you to use the Notion Web Clipper, I believe that is what you are looking for.

Also you can look up some other browser extensions that work with Notion, just keep in mind that there are some Notion API restrictions for images, so the images are stored somewhere else in some cases.

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