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Conditional formula for days

I have a Notion question I can't find the answer to.

For example, my weekly goal for a habit is 3 days a week. But when I mark 3 out of 7 days as chechbox, it shows 43%. Actually, I would like it to show 100% since my goal is already 3 days.

It only shows the habit completed 7 days a week as 100%.

How can I do this, any ideas?

Screenshot :

The current formula is as follows,

round(100 * (toNumber(replace(prop("Mon"), "true", "1")) + toNumber(replace(prop("Tue"), "true", "1")) + toNumber(replace(prop("Wed"), "true", "1")) + toNumber(replace(prop("Fri"), "true", "1")) + toNumber(replace(prop("Sat"), "true", "1")) + toNumber(replace(prop("Sun"), "true", "1")) + toNumber(replace(prop("Tue"), "true", "1"))) / 7) / 100

1 Answer


Martin_SystemsHill Points4700


here are two formulas that will give you the desired effect.

This first one allows the percentage to go over 100% all the way up to 233% when the full week is completed.

round(100 * (toNumber(replace(prop("Mon"), "true", "1")) + toNumber(replace(prop("Tue"), "true", "1")) + toNumber(replace(prop("Wed"), "true", "1")) + toNumber(replace(prop("Thu"), "true", "1")) + toNumber(replace(prop("Fri"), "true", "1")) + toNumber(replace(prop("Sat"), "true", "1")) + toNumber(replace(prop("Sun"), "true", "1"))) / 3) / 100

This second one goes only up to 100% even when you complete more than 3 days.

min(1, round(100 * (toNumber(replace(prop("Mon"), "true", "1")) + toNumber(replace(prop("Tue"), "true", "1")) + toNumber(replace(prop("Wed"), "true", "1")) + toNumber(replace(prop("Thu"), "true", "1")) + toNumber(replace(prop("Fri"), "true", "1")) + toNumber(replace(prop("Sat"), "true", "1")) + toNumber(replace(prop("Sun"), "true", "1"))) / 3) / 100)

I would also recommend replacing the number "3" (your weekly goal) in the formula with prop("Goal") and adding a property "Goal" to your database. This way you can have different goal for each habit if needed

The two formulas would look like this then:

1) Allows over 100%:

round(100 * (toNumber(replace(prop("Mon"), "true", "1")) + toNumber(replace(prop("Tue"), "true", "1")) + toNumber(replace(prop("Wed"), "true", "1")) + toNumber(replace(prop("Thu"), "true", "1")) + toNumber(replace(prop("Fri"), "true", "1")) + toNumber(replace(prop("Sat"), "true", "1")) + toNumber(replace(prop("Sun"), "true", "1"))) / prop("Goal")) / 100

2) Upto 100%:

min(1, round(100 * (toNumber(replace(prop("Mon"), "true", "1")) + toNumber(replace(prop("Tue"), "true", "1")) + toNumber(replace(prop("Wed"), "true", "1")) + toNumber(replace(prop("Thu"), "true", "1")) + toNumber(replace(prop("Fri"), "true", "1")) + toNumber(replace(prop("Sat"), "true", "1")) + toNumber(replace(prop("Sun"), "true", "1"))) / prop("Goal")) / 100)


azofeifa commented

Hi Martin,

Thank you for reply.

Did you look at the image? 'Goal' property is already there.

I need something like below but I couldn't achieve it exactly. I was able to fix them all to 3 with the formula you gave :) Even if Goal is 6 days, it shows 100% when chechbox above 3 is checked.

I think I need this,

If '1 day/week' is selected as Goal, when 1 checkbox is checked, the progress bar is 100%

If '2 days/week' is selected as Goal, when 2 checkboxes are checked, the progress bar is 100%


If '7 days/week' is selected as Goal, the progress bar is 100% when the 7 checkbox is checked.


Martin_SystemsHill commented


sorry I totally missed you already had the Goal there.
BTW I was just going through your formula again and please be carful about the days of the week. You have "Tue" there twice and you are missing "Thu". I would recommend using my formula exactly instead of adjusting yours to make sure it works.

Anyways. Here are the formulas that are going to work for your exact case. I tested it in my database and it works.

What it does is that it takes the first character from the property "Goal", changes it into a number and applies it to the formula.

1) Can go over 100%

round(100 * (toNumber(replace(prop("Mon"), "true", "1")) + toNumber(replace(prop("Tue"), "true", "1")) + toNumber(replace(prop("Wed"), "true", "1")) + toNumber(replace(prop("Thu"), "true", "1")) + toNumber(replace(prop("Fri"), "true", "1")) + toNumber(replace(prop("Sat"), "true", "1")) + toNumber(replace(prop("Sun"), "true", "1"))) / toNumber(slice(prop("Goal"), 0, 1))) / 100

2) Upto 100%

min(1, round(100 * (toNumber(replace(prop("Mon"), "true", "1")) + toNumber(replace(prop("Tue"), "true", "1")) + toNumber(replace(prop("Wed"), "true", "1")) + toNumber(replace(prop("Thu"), "true", "1")) + toNumber(replace(prop("Fri"), "true", "1")) + toNumber(replace(prop("Sat"), "true", "1")) + toNumber(replace(prop("Sun"), "true", "1"))) / toNumber(slice(prop("Goal"), 0, 1))) / 100)


azofeifa commented

Worked! great, thank you Martin.


Martin_SystemsHill commented

Great. I am glad I could help.

Can you please mark the question as answered if possible?




azofeifa commented


Thank you Martin.

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