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How to delete icons from callaut

Hi everyone,
is it possible to remove from Notion the icon in the callout ???

1 Answer


polle Points100650

You can't, consider using block headings with a background color instead.

One hack can be to create a transparent PNG file and use it as an icon for the Notion callouts if that type of block is a must.


lucavmw commented

Thankyou Polle, can I ask you where can I find a png file with transparent background?


polle commented

Not sure if you can find one using a term like transparent 1px image for example, but you can create one.

Just open any graphics editor like photoshop, create a new small transparent image with nothing and save it as PNG.

Also you can try an online tool like this one or similars.

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lucavmw commented

Thank you very much... it works!


polle commented

Glad to help!

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