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Tracker template count: X pages for X words

Hi everyone!
I'm creating a book tracker template. For some websites, like Ao3, only the word count is showing. I'd like to create a formula property that would count for me the number of pages read depending on the number of words knowing that 410 words = 1 page. What formula should I type?

I know nothing about formulas so please use simple words

Thank you !

1 Answer


avidnotionuser Points1430

You will need 3 field properties

  1. Words per page (Input: 410)
  2. Word Count: (Input #)
  3. Formula property Page Count:
    Formula: prop("Word Count") / prop("Words per page")

For example: Words per page: 410
Word Count: (5000) This is the number from some websites like Ao3 Formula Page count: 12.19512195122

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