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why i can't export Notion templates i duplicated from the internet ?

not all but some of the templates i got just won't get exported and i don't know why ?


polle commented

Please define “export”, because you are not explaining a problem, a format or an error if any.


ahmed_ammar commented

i want to have a csv copy of the template/page on desktop ( i type the
three dots on top right than export)

some of the templates i duplicated from the internet wont get exported

1 Answer


polle Points100650

A CVS is not a Notion template, it is information, so it depends in what are you trying to do.

If you want a template copy, then duplicate it, if you need the text and information in that page (not template), then you can export it.


ahmed_ammar commented
i want to export a simple database
if export format = PDF i get export failed
if export format = markdown & CSV i get an empty folder


polle commented

But you are trying to export an empty database, there is nothing to export. Add content to it and that is all.


ahmed_ammar commented

worked perfectly thanks


polle commented

Glad to help :)

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