Hi all (first time poster..! Sorry if this is the wrong section etc)
I'm new to Notion and I've building a Habit tracker/goal workspace.
I've followed a video to set up the main habits with progress bars based on aim etc. I need to add the logged figure in manually to update this at present.
So I've created a check box tracker with the same habits and my intention was to have the 'checked' number at the bottom the columns to populate the logged field of the main sheet. I've watched lots of videos and read blogs on roll ups to do this.
I created the relation and then the roll up and selected the 'checked' field of selected habit but its always showing 0. All the time. I've re followed the process and get the same result. It's driving me mad and I'm hopeful someone is kind enough to help.
Would anyone know how to get the figure to show?
On my daily tracker (the checkboxes) I have habits along the top and the dates on the left, doing down. I have checked what I've done across the day etc. The totals show in the calculate field at the bottom and its those figures I want to show in the main database that I'm logging manually at the moment.
Thank you.