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APP IOS - Database Rollup Poperty - Hyperlink not working

Within a database A, I am pulling information from database B using relation and rollup properties. When the information I am pulling within the rollup property, is formatted as a hyperlink, that hyperlink doesn't work/ isn't opening when using notion on the IOS App. It works normally on MacOS Web Browser.

If on the IOS App I go to the linked database B directly and press on the hyperlink it doesn't work either.
If on the IOS App I click on a hyperlink which is not in a database, but normally written onto a page, it works.
If on the IOS App I click on a hyperlink in any other database property field, it doesn't work either.
If on the IOS App, clicking on page links which are using the "@" function, works normally independently of wether they are within a database or not.

I tried

Any ideas what might be causing this?

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