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Need help comparing values of two multiselects

Hi, I'm trying to write a formula to see if two multi-selects share a common value. For example, one column is "User Style" that is a multi-select with keywords representing a the user's style (minimal, practical, etc.). The second column is "Item Style" with keywords representing an item of clothing's style (minimal, 70's, etc.). I want to write formula that returns true if "minimal" appears in both columns.

1 Answer


hypnotionlabs Points520

This can be solved if you use two relations instead of two multiselects:

Will that do?
here it is


polle commented

Sharing the formula and how it works for sure will help solving this and others with similar questions.


hypnotionlabs commented

Strictly speaking, the task require solution for multiselect field. And I haven't completely despaired of finding it yet. There are still a couple of ideas left to try.


sonitre commented

This is great, thank you! Would you mind sharing the formula for "Common value?"


hypnotionlabs commented


sonitre commented

Amazing! I got it to work! Thanks so much for your help

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