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I'm admittedly very new to functions and I'm trying to create a "Status" based on multiple variables. Here's an example:

Status: Waiting

Account Created (Checkbox): Unchecked
Basic Training Date (Date Entered): N/A
Basic Training (Checkbox): Unchecked
Advanced Training Date (Date Entered): N/A
Advanced Training (Checkbox): Unchecked

Status: Scheduling

Account Created (Checkbox): Checked
Basic Training Date (Date Entered): N/A
Basic Training (Checkbox): Unchecked
Advanced Training Date (Date Entered): N/A
Advanced Training (Checkbox): Unchecked

I have 4 status updates that follow these two. I want to learn how to tie all these things together in a formula that works.

1 Answer


avidnotionuser Points1430

1.The Status should be a Tag property with the options "Waiting" & "Scheduling"
2.The "Account Created should be a formula property instead of a checkbox. 3.Insert formula : contains(prop("Status"), "Scheduling")

Since "Account Created" property should be checked when scheduled and unchecked when Waiting. In Board view you can easily switch between Waiting & Scheduling by dragging and dropping pages to the respective status.
The "Account Created" field property was the only difference I saw between the Waiting & Scheduling status if there are more differences you can convert for example Advanced training into formula property type with the same formula as above dependent on your status options.

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