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Colleagues cannot run buttons


I have created a button to register new information in a Notion database and it works for me. However, my colleagues get the error ""you don't have permission to run this button".

I'm registered as the owner while they are only a member.

How can I sort this out so they can also use the button and register new forms like incidents, marketing posts etc.

Many thanks.

1 Answer


Martin_SystemsHill Points3740


a user must have "Full access" or "Can edit" permissions to interact with a button on a page. If the button is interacting with or making changes to another page or database, additional permissions will be required:

Add page: The user must be an editor of the target database.
Edit pages: The user must be an editor of the target database.
Open page: The user must have read access to the target page.

In your case, if your colleagues are getting the error "you don't have permission to run this button", it suggests that they do not have the necessary permissions to interact with the button or the pages/databases that the button is interacting with.

You, as the owner, can adjust their permissions. Here's how:

1) Navigate to the page or database that the button is interacting with.
2) Click on the "Share" button at the top right of the page.
3) In the sharing settings, find the person's name or email address.
4) Click on their current permission level to the right of their name (it might say "Can read", "Can comment", etc.).
5) In the dropdown menu, select "Can edit" or "Full access" to give them the necessary permissions.

Please note that you should only give "Full access" if you trust the person with full control over the page or database, including the ability to delete it. The best option is to give them "Can edit" access to all needed pages and databases that the button interacts with.

This should solve it but please let me know if the problem persists.



millef commented

Martin, you are my hero!

Thank you very much for taking the time to explain this in details.


Martin_SystemsHill commented

You are the most welcome! Happy to help.


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