I have created two databases, a customer database and a training plans database. Now I would like to provide a publish public page to my client(Client Panel) where he can see his training plans as a table view filtered by the client. And it worked about 4-5 days ago but since then there is a problem with it and can't see anything. I will add that the customer database is not public, while the training plans database is. Previously it worked so that there was a page for the customer in public form where he could see his training plans in a grayed out form and now he can't see anything, the problem is solved when I make the customer database(not a single customer) available for public view but that doesn't work for me because I don't want other customers to see the whole customer database.
Can someone help me and explain if this is a current problem in notion or the fact that it worked for me before was due to a bug that was fixed by the notion team?
"Trening and Dieta" have also been published in the databases, but the filters do not work
When it worked, it looked like this but things in the databases were grayed out in color