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How to prevent now() function from updating itself?

Hi there! Thank you for your kind attention! I have a database to record the completeness of my daily routine, and I want to implement a penalty system where if I fail to complete any tasks on a given day, I will incur a penalty of 100 points. Additionally, completing tasks the following day should not affect the penalty incurred on the previous day. The following is how I currently have it set up:

  1. Checkbox, named as my task, e.g., 30min exercise.

  2. Formula, named as Complete?_Task, e.g., Complete?_exercise. The formula inside is if(prop("30min Exercise"), date(now()), 0).

  3. Formula, named as Penalty. The formula inside is:
        now() > dateAdd(prop("Date"), 1, "days"),
        or(prop("Complete?_exercise") != date(prop("Date"))

However, the now() function generates a problem. When I restart the database, the now() function automatically updates, making this penalty system fail. I appreciate your help!

1 Answer


ShaneRobinson Points2610

Without actually building a test system myself, I think you're going to have to use a static Date field in place of the now() function.

There's no way to "freeze" the output of the now() function.

So instead of using now(), when a new Daily Task record is created, use a "DayTimeStamp" with a regular Date property and then test against that in your Penalty formula.

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