Hi, I hope maybe someone can help me with this formula if/then.
There are three fields in the database:
Birthday (date)
RIP (date of death)
Age (formula)
If RIP is empty, the person is still alive, in which case the current age should be calculated:
dateBetween(now(),prop(“Birthday”), “years”)
If RIP is not empty, the person is already deceased, in which case the age at the time of death should be calculated:
“dateBetween(prop(“RIP”),prop(“Birthday”), “years”)
Unfortunately, my self-built formula, which is supposed to combine both formulas, does not work:
if(emptyprop(“RIP”), dateBetween(now(),prop(“Birthday”), “years”), if(not emptyprop(“RIP”), dateBetween(prop(“RIP”),prop(“Birthday”), “years”)
What must the formula be called for the condition described above to work?