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Hope for help with formula if

Hi, I hope maybe someone can help me with this formula if/then.

There are three fields in the database:
Birthday (date)
RIP (date of death)
Age (formula)

If RIP is empty, the person is still alive, in which case the current age should be calculated:

dateBetween(now(),prop(“Birthday”), “years”)

If RIP is not empty, the person is already deceased, in which case the age at the time of death should be calculated:

“dateBetween(prop(“RIP”),prop(“Birthday”), “years”)

Unfortunately, my self-built formula, which is supposed to combine both formulas, does not work:

if(emptyprop(“RIP”), dateBetween(now(),prop(“Birthday”), “years”), if(not emptyprop(“RIP”), dateBetween(prop(“RIP”),prop(“Birthday”), “years”)

What must the formula be called for the condition described above to work?

1 Answer


ShaneRobinson Points2950

No need for the nested "if". It's much more simple:


And if you want to make it styled:

if(empty(prop("RIP")),format("Current age: " + dateBetween(now(),prop("Birthday"),"years")).style("blue"),format("Age at death: " + dateBetween(prop("RIP"),prop("Birthday"),"years")).style("red"))


coco7 commented

Thank you very much for your help! Now it works


ShaneRobinson commented

YAY! Glad to help.


coco7 commented

so happy to find help here from you. I'm enthusiastic about Notion, but still a newbie.

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