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Need help with a time formula

Hope there is someone in the community who is familiar with time related Notion formulas.
I am trying to create a formula "if time is between 8am and 5pm return is NYC".
Notion AI gave me:
if(and(time(prop("Your Time Column")) >= time("08:00"), time(prop("Your Time Column")) <= time("17:00")), "NYC", "")
Looks simple enough. So I set up a "Created Time" column with formula - formatDate(now(), "HH:mm")
Then replaced "Your Time Column" with "Created Time"
if(and(time(prop("Created time")) >= time("08:00"), time(prop("Created time")) <= time("17:00")), "NYC", "")
No matter how I try to configure any formula, I always end up with:
"time is not defined. [7,11] time is not defined. [18,22] time is not defined. [33,37]"

Is there anyone that can help me understand how to achieve my formula? It seems simple enough, just cant figure it out.


1 Answer


Lach Points160

Resolved...thank you for your input, ChatGPT :)


polle commented

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