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Guests in a template filling in independent information

How can guests fill in information in the template without me having to give them permission to edit and changing the template for everybody?

1 Answer


polle Points100650

Use Notion Forms.


lauracarrara commented

Thanks, just tried it but it didn't work the way I need it to. I'm a teacher building a platform for students. I need them to be able to access the classes in a "open page" where they all have access while also being able to track their individual progress and if they are watching the classes and so on. I don't need to add them as members since they won't be collaborating with anything, I just need them to fill in the information needed independently. Do you know how can I do that?


polle commented

Just make the form available changing it's permissions and done. Embed it in your Notion page and anyone can fill the information.


lauracarrara commented

I did try that, but I needed it to be something I can update and so on, so I ended up creating a template that I can use with each student separately with sync databases instead, but thanks anyways! I've never used notion forms before, so one more tool for me!


polle commented

You can update the form anytime, so I am not sure what the problem is.

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