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I can check the most recent active users in the top right corner of the webpage, however, not all members/guests are shown.

How can I check every user recent activity/last connection in detail? Thank you.

1 Answer


polle Points100650

You will see only the activity of users who have access to that page and not the complete Notion users you may have in different pages.


Sheuron commented

Is there any way to check it in detail? Not minimalistic.

Thank you!


polle commented

You may want to check "All Updates" > All in the left sidebar.


Sheuron commented

Yes, that way I can check who edited the page. But I can't check in detail "only view" and "only comment" guests last connections or recent activity.

Namely, I am not able to check how often does my users (both members and guests) come to my website. How many comments does X user wrote. Since what date is this person a user of the website?

I would appreciate being able to check that analytical data to help me focus on driving value to the users.

Thank you for your answer and your time, Polle!


polle commented

Oh, you are looking for website statistics and not for Notion users activity, which are completely different and have nothing to do with Notion.

For that you will have to ask the service you are using to host your Notion website and see if they offer statistics, let you include google analytics, etc...


Sheuron commented

Thank you Polle


polle commented

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