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What tool with Notion to set up email for the organization's domain?

We are a newly formed organization attempting to make a 3 person team workflow (all of us work virtually) and I would like to set up Notion for notes, contacts and shared schedule but still need a solution for email under our organization's domain. We also may like a chat solution. We were considering Google Workspace but it seems like we are paying a premium for services that we are already using Notion teams for. Notion would be $8/user + Workspace would be $6-12/user. Any suggestions on how to set up a virtual startup with tools would be helpful. Thanks in advance.


Saritanotion commented

Trick question. There are several. I ask on Twitter from those who are actually using the different integrations. And read through notions guides.

1 Answer


Saritanotion Points1020

Have you looked in to task robin? They have the template avail on their gumroad store and then the automation through gumroad is reasonable. Otherwise I would look at zapier.

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