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The 'show original' and the ‘sum' options in a few of my rollups are giving me different results. This is effecting the formulas that I want to perform in the receiving database. any help will be appreciated.


polle commented

Show original & sum options in Notion should show different results, so it is not clear what the problem is.

Please share some data to understand it.

  • You have a database with (text, numbers, dates, and?).
  • You have another database and after relating them you are using a Rollup to pull (numbers, text, dates or???).
  • The rollup shows 50 as a number or ? what exactly.
  • Which formulas are you using, expecting what.
  • You expect to get "what" and you getting "what" instead?
  • Etc...

The same for the second Rollup and all the information possible to understand the complete scenario in Notion.


Daniel01 commented

Thank you for the swift response Pollo

Please share some data to understand it.
You have a database with (text, numbers, dates, and?).
You have another database and after relating them you are using a Rollup to pull (numbers, text, dates or???).

the information I am trying to rollup is a tonumber formula

The rollup shows 50 as a number or ? what exactly.
the original value rollup is showing ‘324’ which is the correct value I want to be presented.
when I change it to a sum it shows '-1054’ it also shows this in the formula when I input the property as an original value or the sum.

Which formulas are you using, expecting what.
I want to use the formula to do a simple subtraction but I need the value to be correct

The same for the second Rollup and all the information possible to understand the complete scenario in Notion.
ultimately what I am trying to create is a food planner that tracks my macros and calories. the user can plan dishes in advance and the user can also add adhoc additions to the daily food intake. this resulting in the combine subtraction against the target calories along with the food planner aspect.
so the target calories - planner calories - adhoc calories is the goal that I am trying to get to.

1 Answer


polle Points100650

If you select sum, it will sum everything, if you select original it will show the exact number in the rollup.

So show original & sum options in Notion should show different results in the Rollups.

Please share exactly what you have in original column, what you have in sum column, and mention what result you should have and what are you are getting instead.

It is complicated without seeing anything and imagining how are things in your Notion setup, but I believe you need to show original in the 3 rollup columns and add a fourth one with a formula to do the math.


Daniel01 commented

Would you be open to having a look at the database, its really strange to as I have no idea why the sum is giving me back something different, it usually has just converted the one number that is in the cell in the original table into a number. but in this case it is like there are some more numbers that I am not aware of being added to the sum in the new table. open to sharing the table to get to the bottom of this, if you are happy to take a look. Thanks either way


polle commented

Sure, just create a duplicate and share it and I have a look.


Daniel01 commented


the calendar one is quite busy. but the column being rolled up is total calorie burn [program + adhoc. it appears on the daily objective as total calorie burn


polle commented

The pages are private, please enable sharing to the web.


Daniel01 commented

Hey I have updated it, you should have access now thanks


polle commented

Everything is empty for me.

Keep in mind that if there are 4 extra databases, all of them should be inside the shared page.

1- Create new page
2- Duplicate your databases
3- Move the just duplicated databases into the new page
4- Fill the data there
5- Share the page


Daniel01 commented

OK NP try now have put the databases on one page



polle commented

Sorry, nothing shows up and everything is empty. Try in a different browser logged out and you will see.

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