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I would like to show a rollup of tasks of a project with their status next to them.

However, they do not align well, since the height of the statuses is bigger than that of the tasks font.

Any workaround one can think of?


Self explanatory screenshot

1 Answer


polle Points100640

Your screenshot shows a tiny view of the complete database. If another property uses 2 lines in the same cell, that may be the problem.

Using the wrap cells option for the database will fix this.


Earendil commented

Hi @polle,


I disabled my browser's extensions, but the task name is still not in line with the task type.

Do you see the task name in line with the task type in your browser?


polle commented

Yes, everything is aligned in Notion if nothing modifies it.

-Logout from Notion
-Erase browser cache
-Erase cookies
-Login again

And also try a different browser.

Following those steps will show you the real look.


Earendil commented

Hi @polle!
I dido so : changed to Firefox and did as you suggested, but the view is just the same.
I am sharing 2 test db (projects with 3 rollups) and tasks rolluped) I just did so that you can see from yourself: Status and Type values are aligned among themselves but not with the Task names (towards the end of the list: Task39 it becomes clear).

Test Public Project.

Test public task.

If there is a better way to share, please say so.


polle commented

Ok, now it is clear.

Test Public Project is not a single items row database, so it is imposible to make that match in height. You have 39 elements in the same row, so there are no rows to match height, it is just one row with everything in it. If you make the tasks column wider, then the items will be more items per line, so you can not do anything, it is how it works and it is impossible to match heights in fluid elements.

The same happens if you make status or type columns wider, you will have 2 items per line or 3 or 4. It is fluid.

Test public task looks perfectly fine, as it is a single row database, which will also work fine if there are more elements using wrap.

So there is nothing you can do, as there are no lines to match, it is a single fluid one with a bunch of content.


Earendil commented

Thanks, that was helpful @polle
Is there a non-fluid can show what is the status of each task related to the project in a way that the rows correspond?


polle commented

The only way to do it is using single rows per item and wrap. When multiple items use the same single row, you can't control it.


Earendil commented

Thanks, @polle. I am not sure I understand.
How would I have to change my databases in order to achieve that?


polle commented

To show 40 items inside a single row matching height?

You can't.

To show single rows change the wrap in the layout options. Then everything will show in 1 row at the same height, but you will not see the 40 items.

I believe you are trying to use the incorrect database, you should use Test public task from your links, that is the one you can see like that.


Earendil commented

Thanks, @polle, as you said, it did not do the trick, but showed me how I can have cleaner DB views.


polle commented

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