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displaying the page name of the max calculated rollup


I have 3 databases ENTRIES, ASSETS and STRATEGIES.

In my ASSETS database, I have rollups from the relation ENTRIES database for each strategy calculaling the Win Rate for each page(ASSET). Let's say "Win Rate Strategy 1" and "Win Rate Strategy 2".

In my STRATEGIES database I want to see the ASSET with the highest Win Rate.
Since it's not possible to rollup a rollup. I made formula's in the ASSET database of the rollups "Win Rate Strategy 1" and "Win Rate Strategy 2". Let's say "Formula Win Rate Strategy 1" and "Formula Win Rate Strategy 2".

If I then make rollups in the STRATEGIES database "Check Asset Highest Win Rate Strategy 1" and "Check Asset Highest Win Rate Strategy 2" from the "Formula Win Rate Strategy 1" and "Formula Win Rate Strategy 2" and set the calculation to Max. I now have the value of the Highest Win Rate Asset but I don't have the Name of that Asset. When I add the name to the "Formula Win Rate Strategy 1" and "Formula Win Rate Strategy 2" I can not calculate the Max anymore in the rollups "Check Asset Highest Win Rate Strategy 1" and "Check Asset Highest Win Rate Strategy 2". How can I resolve this?

Kind regards

1 Answer


polle Points88780

As you said it is not possible to calculate with text, so you need extra columns. The ones needed to calculate and extra ones with more formulas to show them with text.

Then you can show them as needed in your different Notion views, but all of them are necessary, even if some are hidden in your views.

So keep adding columns as needed to have all the information in the databases to then show them as needed in different views.


TommyFFX commented

Hmm this not seems to work, I'm trying to get less property's, rollups and relations because it's slowing my Notion big time. I already made it to work another way with rollups and formula's, but then it showing all the assets with the highest win rate of that strategy, I just want it to display only 1, could you have a look on my Notion perhaps?

Kind regards


polle commented

That will not slow Notion, keep in mind that some maintenance may happen some days, but Notion keeps tweaking performance and that is not affected with rollups. Unless you have a database with 45,000 items and 188 rollups from another 188 databases, which is not usual.

Sure, feel free to share a copy of your template to have a look and find a solution for you.

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