just getting started using Notion.
I'm trying to set it up to run a music label.
I would like to have one database with an overview of the release schedule - every row will be one musical piece and all other fields in that row contain information for the piece (release date, publishers, composers, artists, co-composers etc etc, distribution services, different status for different tasks)
There is a lot of 3-dimensional data here: like artists will have much more data, or composers will have different data, but I would like to not enter them for each line of a musical piece but just link to that artist to get to that information, or even have some fields auto-filled based on the content of one cell (like lookup in spreadsheet applications).
Is there a way to get from one field (like the artist) to the information that goes with that artist?
Or do I have to just add columns for and have a lot of duplicate data in every row?