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Specifically: there are the columns “Positive”, “Negative”, which are good - not good pairs, created as multiple selection.

A number from +3 to -3 is entered manually in the column “Stat”.

Then “plus” should appear in the formula column “+-” when the numbers “1”, “2” and “3” are entered in the “Stat” column, “minus” should appear when “-1”, “-2” and “-3” are entered, and “zero” should appear when “0” is entered.


if(prop(“Stat”) == 1, “plus”, “minus”) 

it is possible to display “1” with “plus”. If I try to nest it, it no longer works:

if(prop(“Stat”) == 1 or 2 or 3, “plus”, “minus”), if(prop(“Stat”) == 0, “zero”, “zero”)

In the “Select” column: for “minus” in “+-”, the property from the “Negative” column should be displayed. Here in the first line this would be “not good A”, in the second line it would be “not good B” etc. With “plus” in “+-”, the properties from the “Positive” column should be displayed, i.e. “good A” in the first line. Nothing should be displayed for “zero”.

I don't know how to share a screenshot, so this is a description of the problem only.

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