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Relationship Properties on automations, how do they work?


I would appreciate some help understanding the options for triggering a property in automation. I'm unsure if this is possible, so thanks for all your help.

  • I have two databases: 1) Database A, which has my current Sprint Tasks. 2) Database B, which has my personal working schedule. The goal is to have a personal page where I can select what tasks I will pursue each day from the team's Sprint tasks.
  • In Database B, I will create a Task called something like: "First Task to Accomplish." That task will be related to the actual Sprint Task from Database A.

My intention is that when I change the status from "First Task to Accomplish" to "Done," I can also change a status property in the Sprint Task from Database A.

I found that if I create the 'Relation' from one Database B to Database A. And I trigger an automation to trigger when that 'Relation Property' is edited. I can change the status of the Sprint Task in Database A. But that doesn't work well because just by editing the relationship property itself triggers the automation.

I would need another workaround to make it happen. But is it possible?

This may sound redundant, and it may be. But my issue is that some tasks are assigned to multiple people, and moving them around on the Sprint board affects everyone. Also, I want to zoom in on my working progress and habits, so I find it better to have a place with the specific things (maybe 1 or 2) that I'll focus on. Feel free to critique my idea.

I hope I made myself clear. Thanks, everyone!

1 Answer


thomas_yang Points3300

As you've mentioned it's fairly redundant setup and it's not possible through Notion automation natively. Is there any reason why filter doesn't help with zooming in on your task only?

alternatively you can create another status property in the common sprint board and use it for your own only.

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