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Troubleshooting access issues

Usually, when someone new joins our team, we go to "Settings" > "People" and add them. And then I go to the "Groups" tab and add them to the groups they need to be in.

We manage most access at the "Group" level and this has been working great for us.

However this month we added two Spring semester interns -- we added them to Notion, and added them to the "All Staff" group but they were still not able to see pages that other staff have access to. Once I added them individually, they were able to access the areas just fine.

I thought it might just be a glitch but the same thing happened today: I added a new user, added her to the group she is part of (not "All Staff" -- it's a different group) and she was still not able to access the pages that her group has permission to access.

Have you ever seen anything like this? Do you know if something changed at Notion?

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