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Is there a way to get a timeline in the Calendar view?

For example, let's say I have a project due in the next month. So I put it into the calendar and say it lasts from today to the next month. In the calendar view, a long block will show up. Is there anyway to divide that block? I want to input different phases that divide the block up. In addition, is there anyway to change the colour of the blocks?

1 Answer


avidnotionuser Points1430

The best solution is to create a view of the same data where you can select timeline and filter it using tags as some calendar items are meetings and some are project due dates. You can then filter the timeline view to only show "projects" with due dates. ("Projects" & "meetings" are the tags you will use to filter the data. To create a tag create a new property in database.) This is especially helpful if the project has multiple tasks with different due dates
Currently there is no way to color code pages in databases. However if you create a table using /table to add a simple table you can color code those rows inside the pages of the calendar or timeline database view.

If you do not want to create multiple views of the data one one page through the drop down menu, you can create a linked database view in the calendar page of your project for the same database and show it as a timeline view then filter for only that particular project. Below you can create a simple table to color code the rows. Note a simple table can convert to a database and vice versa. But the two are different.

I hope this helps.

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