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It is 2021, can I still expect 100% offline mode for Notion?

It is very inconvenient that I cannot use Notion when offline. Is the development of offline mode still in progress? Will this function come in the nearly future?

1 Answer


polle Points88140

The answer it is still this Notion Offline Information.

You are not alone, a lot of people is waiting for this and it is still in progress. Hopefully it happens before the year ends.


william commented

Hi Polle,

May I ask that when you mentioned "still in progress", did you mean the notion team is developing 100% offline mode, or they are trying to optimise the "offline" experience? Thank you.


polle commented

Quoting what the docs say.

We know there's a ways to go on this. Improvements to offline support are in progress!


william commented

Thank you very much for your information. I am looking forward to offline support.


polle commented

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