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is it possible to use tags and template button on the same page? I really want to have a simple button for @today title and the ability to have tag on the same item.

1 Answer


polle Points88140

It is possible, just edit your Notion template button and add in there the tags or anything you need to have and appear when clicking new.


WHAT commented

Can you show me it by images?
I only succeeded to make template button in non-databased page.
In database, I can make tags but cannot make template buttons.


polle commented

Click on the right side of the "New" blue button in the Notion database, where a little down arrow is visible. That will open the templates options to edit or create new template buttons.


WHAT commented

it dosent have the option to make template bottun. just templates. and in this kind of template im not able to make the title @today.. am i missing anything?


polle commented

For a template button in a new block type: /Template button.

The one I mentioned above is for database items.


WHAT commented

is it possible to have /Template button in database?


polle commented

That was my previous comment. Once you create a template, it is a button itself.

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