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Can visitors edit my filter on table?

I always create a different page in the notion that I call the client area, in this area I put some important information for the monitoring of the project.

I create this area by pulling information from my team's area, with the complete data of all my clients and, for each one of them, I filter by their name. This makes my management a lot easier, because everything my team does, my client has access to the task status and other important information.

At first I thought the rating and filter would be blocked if I shared for viewing only, but recently I've verified that my clients can edit the filter and rating.

How can I block the database filter for my customers' views? Because I wouldn't want my customers to have access to other customers' data. Or is there a better solution?

Thank you for your help.

2 Answers


polle Points88780

Add your clients without editing permissions. They will not be able to change the filters that way.

You can create any number of Notion views for each one of them and they will only see what you are sharing, but again, without editing permissions.


polle commented

When you share to web you can't have permissions, it is public. When you add someone to the page by email, you can assign permissions as needed, that is the difference here.


ayyash commented

exactly so, no permissions, yet web users have a little more than the poor email invitee :) So not sure, is this by design or an oversight?


polle commented

It seems you are looking to add people to your page, not sharing it on the web.

Web Share: No permissions, just see.
Add People by email: Permissions set by you.

If you visit your own link you will have your permissions, but if anyone anonymous in the web visit the page, they will not have permissions to modify anything.


ayyash commented

That's what we are reporting (I guess, may be not, now that I read the question again), web users who are not logged in, and have the link can see the filters and change them. I'm pretty sure because I used a different browser to see the page. Should that be submitted as a separate question?


polle commented

Yes please, as the main question is already answered. Please select the answer to mark it as solved and in your new question include an URL to confirm what you will ask.


omaronweb commented

I tried your solution and it didn't work.

When you invite someone to a view of your table or a page that contains that view, they can not see the view content unless they are invited to the main table and when they are, the controls show and they can change the filters.


polle commented

@omaronweb that is correct.

You can't just include views from other databases, you must grant permissions for those as well or create them inside the page you are sharing.

They may be able to filter their view at the moment to see the results, but they can't edit, modify and save the database itself for everyone.


omaronweb commented

The problem I face and probably the asker as well is the ability for the invitee to see other information not intended for them.

For example, I have a database of all clients and their tasks. I want to create a view of one client's tasks and share it with that client, however, because they can remove the filter from their end, they can see other clients and their tasks.

The same issue show when I want someone from my team to work on some tasks in a project and I don't want them to see all tasks in that project, in this case, I need to give them edit permission but I don't want them to change or remove the view filter on their end.


polle commented

That is a completely different question and has nothing to do with filters.

If you share a database with someone, they will be able to see the complete thing if they click the main database and there is nothing you can do yet.

Hopefully Notion implement this type of granular permissions in the future, but for now the only possible way to do this is to automate and sync using Make or Zapier. For example from main tasks database, select items with the project (project here) and sync them with the database "project tasks database".

That will sync the tasks from your global database (which you use) with the project specific tasks database you select.

Of course you will have to do this for every single project, but once you do the first setup, it should be easier to copy and adjust all the new ones.

Hope that helps.


omaronweb commented

Yes, that would work for now, thanks for the suggestion!


zekemcnees Points160

I believe you need to be using an advanced filter! I was struggling with the same problem and couldn't find a solution online. But through fooling around I discovered the advanced filters are locked when you lock a database, unlike normal filters that can still be edited, even when the database is locked.

I hope this helps anyone else looking for a way to share a database without having filters adjusted by the recipient.


BrunoBelmonte commented

Thank you very much! After reading all answers, this is clearly what OP wants as well.

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