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sharing permissions for database

hi everyone! first time posting here.

I have a master database that is private. I have a notion page that is shared with another user, which contains links to several entries from my private database. What's a good way to have the other user have access to those private database entries? Giving access to individual entries is not scalable for the number of items that I have, and I am looking for another solution. I don't want to duplicate the database and then remove non-private entries because it's an ever growing database and needs to be centralized.


1 Answer


polle Points94150

When you share a Notion database with someone else, you are sharing the complete information and there is no way to share only some items of the database.

If you have private information in Notion that anyone else should not see, I recommend having a personal Notion Workspace and a business or work related Notion Workspace.

That way everything will be straight forward, without options to errors sharing private info.

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