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I created a Roadmap page for my team and I to track all the projects we have to take care of.
In this Roadmap, there is a To-Do board view so every member of the team can see what project he has to take care of in the following week.

For each project of this roadmap, there is an internal to-do board view which consists in smaller tasks like "create the doc", "send the mail", etc.

Is it possible to set my inner-project to-do to appear on the general Roadmap to-do ?

Thanks for your help !

1 Answer


polle Points88780

Use one general tasks database and use filtered views where you need them.

For example in "golden project" filter the tasks by that project only, the same applies to all the other projects. That way you will see tasks per project when you are in the project page.

For your general view don't filter by project, simply see all as you need and done.

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