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Hi, I can't figure out how to import a date with a time range from a CSV file into Notion.

What would be the syntax to use?

I tried the followings, but only items 1,3,4,5,7,8 actually import a date in Notion:
All other items with a time or a time range would not populate the DatetimeRange field.


"",09,2023/02/27 15:30
"",10,2023/02/27 15:30:00
"",11,2023/02/27 03:30 PM
"",12,2023/02/27 03:30:00 PM
"",13,2023/02/27 03:30
"",14,2023/02/27 03:30:00
"",15,02/27/2023 15:30
"",16,02/27/2023 15:30:00
"",17,02/27/2023 03:30 PM
"",18,02/27/2023 03:30:00 PM
"",19,02/27/2023 03:30
"",20,02/27/2023 03:30:00
"",21,2023-02-27 15:30
"",22,2023-02-27 15:30:00
"",23,2023-02-27 03:30 PM
"",24,2023-02-27 03:30:00 PM
"",25,2023-02-27 3:30
"",26,"2023-02-27 3:30:00"
"",27,02-27-2023 15:30
"",28,02-27-2023 15:30:00
"",29,02-27-2023 03:30 PM
"",30,02-27-2023 03:30:00 PM
"",31,02-27-2023 03:30
"",32,02-27-2023 03:30:00
"",33,2023/02/27 15:30 → 16:00
"",34,2023/02/27 15:30 - 16:00
"",35,2023/02/27 15:30:00 → 16:00:00
"",36,2023/02/27 03:30 PM → 04:00 PM
"",37,2023/02/27 03:30:00 PM → 04:00:00 PM
"",38,2023/02/27 15:30 → 2023/02/27 16:00
"",39,2023/02/27 15:30:00 → 2023/02/27 16:00:00
"",40,2023/02/27 03:30 PM → 2023/02/27 04:00 PM
"",41,2023/02/27 03:30:00 PM → 2023/02/27 04:00:00 PM
"",42,2023/02/27 15:30 2023/02/27 16:00
"",43,2023/02/27 15:30:00 2023/02/27 16:00:00
"",44,2023/02/27 03:30 PM 2023/02/27 04:00 PM
"",45,2023/02/27 03:30:00 PM 2023/02/27 04:00:00 PM

What syntax should I use instead?

Thank you for your help!

1 Answer


polle Points88140

I believe that the easiest way yo accomplish this for your own and exact case is to create a simple database with two rows of information as you need it and export it.

Then you can use that as a template for your data and import it.

Keep in mind that date, date with time, date with end date and so on are different Notion formats and you have to have that setup in Notion to import correctly.


Cameliane commented

Hi Polle,
Thank you for your answer.

As you suggested, I used a Notion export to CSV with a field containing a date/time range and it gave me this:

2023/02/27 15:30 → 16:00

Then I replicated that syntax in my own CSV file to batch-import some new data into the same Notion databse I exported from in the first place, but the date/time range field remains empty...

I really don't see what I'm doing wrong.

Thanks for your time!


polle commented

The problem here is that Notion uses the default date format to import, so if you need different formats for the cells, you will have to change them to appear like that.

Hopefully Notion will improve the sport process and options in the near future.


Cameliane commented

Thank you Polle, I see.
One last question, what is the said Notion's "default date/time" format?
Thank you!


polle commented

The default one is full date and 12 hour. If you click the date property and select edit property, you can see this and change it to another one if needed.

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