Hello All,
I don't succeed to import a CSV file the way I would like it to be. I've created a database on Notion and then I've exported it so I could replicate the structure.
However, if I import the very exported file, it will create a database with a wrong structure.
Here are the details of this situation.
The database has the following structure (sorry, property names are in french)
Nom (=title property)
Date (=date property)
début occupation (=selection property)
fin occupation(=selection property)
Étiquettes (=selection property)
When exported it gives the following CSV file (generated by Notion itself)
Nom,Date,début occupation,fin occupation,Étiquettes
week-end inoccupé,6 mai 2023 → 7 mai 2023,,,"période scolaire, week-end"
semaine normale,1 mai 2023 → 5 mai 2023,6:00,22:00,"période scolaire, semaine"
semaine normale,8 mai 2023 → 12 mai 2023,6:00,22:00,"période scolaire, semaine"
week-end inoccupé,1 juillet 2023 → 2 juillet 2023,,,"période scolaire, week-end"
week-end inoccupé,13 mai 2023 → 14 mai 2023,,,"période scolaire, week-end"
week-end inoccupé,20 mai 2023 → 21 mai 2023,,,"période scolaire, week-end"
If I import this file directly after the structure becomes
Nom (=text property)
Date (=title property)
début occupation (=selection property)
fin occupation(=selection property)
Étiquettes (=selection property)
You can see that Notion changes the property types in the structure. But the choosen type are not good :-(
How can I indicate to Notion that I want the first "column" to be the title property ?
How can I indicate what type of property is my "column".
Thank you for your help.