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"Show calendar by" using formula?

I am trying to create a calendar view that shows events from multiple databases (as per In my view I can only use date fields for the "show calendar by" option, but the example is using a formula. How do I use another field type?

2 Answers


BerenLeStrange Points220

Ok, I figured it out. What was missing is that the rollups were calculating as arrays. I edited the rollup property to calculate earliest date and everything works perfectly now!


polle commented

Glad it is working now and thanks for sharing the solution.


polle Points88780

Your link is not public, so no one can see it.

You can't, Notion calendar views work by date. Natural date or formula date, but it has to be a date.


BerenLeStrange commented

If that is the case, why does it work in the linked example?


polle commented

Please read the first line in my answer.


BerenLeStrange commented

Sorry! I'm new here. Combine Multiple DB Example


polle commented

You have to make it public in Notion, here everyone can see the link, but no one can access it, because it is private for you in Notion.

In Notion click share at the top right and publish with duplicate turned on. Then share that link.

Before sharing, try the link in another browser being logged out from Notion.


BerenLeStrange commented

Sorry again. I'll get the hang of it eventually.Combine Multiple DB Example 2


polle commented

Ok, now it is public.

I do not see it working in that example with the formula. The rollups work fine.

To change the calendar source do the following.

In the database click the 3 dots ...
Click Design > Calendar.
Show Calendar by...
Select the formula (not working) or rollups that work fine.


BerenLeStrange commented

Nothing but the date fields show up in my database, but the formula is available in the example.

![Image of the example]
![Image of my calendar]


BerenLeStrange commented

The formula works exactly as intended. The nested if statements just populate the formula field with whichever of the rollup date fields is not empty. The example is not mine, it is a template I am trying to use to create my own calendar that also draws from multiple databases. I am simply confused as to why the example is able "show by" a formula field, but I am not able to in my view.


polle commented

Because it has to be a date, if your formula shows a text as a result, you will not see it as an option in the calendar.

Share your formula to see where the error can be.

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