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Show projects with active tasks and date using a Notion formula

I have 2 databases.
1- Projects
2- Tasks

I want to have a view with only the projects that have active tasks, unless all of them are without a date. That will mark the project as waiting.


Project 1
It has 2 unchecked tasks with a date and 2 unchecked tasks without a date.
It appears in active projects. (active)

Project 2
It has 5 checked tasks with a date and 2 unchecked tasks without a date.
It does not appear in active projects. (waiting)

Project 3
It has 4 unchecked tasks without a date.
It does not appear in active projects. (waiting)

Project 4
It has 5 checked tasks with a date.
It does not appear in active projects. (done)

Project 5
It has 3 unchecked tasks with a date.
It appears in active projects. (active)

I need to show the projects only when there are unchecked tasks with an assigned day, even when it has other tasks without a date yet. But hide the ones that only have tasks without a date.

What is the best way to do this in Notion?

Thank you!

1 Answer


Saritanotion Points1020

No formula needed. At a tag and tag things into two categories you want to show then created new views and filter out one in the first view and the second in the second view. If you want them separate you can also get the db link and paste elsewhere.


nosy commented

Thank you, but that is exactly what I am trying to avoid, do everything manually every single time. A formula is needed.

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