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Created Views Not Showing in Linked Database

So i've created several views in my original database. I have the database linked on a different page but it won't let me access my created views. It autofills a new blank table that is sourced from my database but I just want to have access to the tables I've already created. It let me do it one time for one view but won't let me do it again. Any advice?


thomas_yang commented

is it shared to a public page? or are you using 2 accounts?

Usually what happened is when you share a linked database to Page 1. You'll need both access to the original database and Page 1 or else it won't show up.


sydann04 commented

No it’s not shared to a public and I only have one account. All the views still exist on the database in page 1 notion just doesn’t give me access to them when I use a linked database.

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