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Locking the data in a Database

I don't think this is possible but I'll ask just in case....

I want to lock the contents of a db that is then used in line on many pages and should not be edited, although the pages may be. I had hoped to lock the db and even if the page it resides on as an inline db is unlocked it, the db table, could not have contents edited or added. This seems impossible.

So,locking a db seems to mean that the properties cannot be changed. But I want to:

  • lock the properties , as now
  • lock the content
  • if embedded as inline and either of the first two locks described have been applied they should be honours on the page with the inline db

The workaround is that the page with the inline db must be locked so nothing can be edited. However if the page is unlocked teh db content will be able to be edited so must be careful.

Unless you know better?

1 Answer


polle Points78970

Try this steps.

1- Create the Notion page to share.
2- Create the Notion database to lock outside the page to share.
3- Lock the database.
4- Create a linked view of the locked database inside the page to share.
5- Share the page with edit permissions.
6- Share the database with view permissions.

You will have to share both separately instead of one to let the user see everything in Notion and the permissions in each one of them will do the trick.

Until Notion ships granular permissions it is not easy to achieve this if you use global databases, but if you use independent ones, you can.

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