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When I try to share a folder or anything nothing happens.

I click share and type the email address of the person and click invite but nothing happens.

I tried in the Notion app and on the website.

2 Answers


polle Points78990

Nothing happens is hard to understand without knowing what are you expecting to happen.

I assume that the user is added to the Notion page you are sharing and if you click again on share, the user is actually there.

If by nothing happens you mean the user is not receiving an email with your invitation after 5 seconds, then yes, it can take minutes and not just 1, it can be 20 minutes, so it only takes patience.

If you already added someone, click the 3 dots at the top right, copy the page link and send them that, they will be able to see the page using their account.

Hope that helps.


RonaldCohen commented

No they are not added so that does not work. The folder or note or whatever is not shared. Nothing happens as in clicking the button to share does nothing. NO error, no click sound, nothing. I tried on the web interface in chrome on windows or mac, on a windows pc in the notion app, and on a mac in the notion app. However, from my ipad sharing works in the notion app.


polle commented

Without seeing it is difficult to tell, please share an image to see the problem. Have a look at Sharing & permissions to see if you are missing something.

There is not much else to do, unless you are trying something different.


RonaldCohen commented

Well it doesn't work. I don't know how I would share an image showing nothing happening. I don't tyhink taking a screenshot is good because it will show the emails address of suggested people to share with. Well anyway here you can see the name but not the email address. I click on Invite and NOTHING HAPPENS, as in absolutely nothing.


polle commented

Yeah, the idea was to see the complete scenario to see if there was something different in your screen and in the tiny screen with just the name there is not much extra to see if there is something else.

I can only suggest to update. Update the Notion app to the latest and update the browsers as well.

Because as you can see in the video I shared, there is nothing extra to do, just click. It seems that your system is failing in someway, not the app itself, so maybe updating it as well may help.

Otherwise you will need to contact support to see if they can help you and give you exact compatibility versions with your system. Click the question mark at the bottom right and select contact support.


RonaldCohen commented

Yes I have the latest versions. It is not just one system, but 3 computers mac pc and online. I can't fingure out how to contact support actually! All I could find was this forum. I have a plus membership too. How does one contact support--I couldn't find it.


RonaldCohen commented

Oops I see you answered that one! Thanks!


polle commented

Just to confirm. You are adding an actual Notion user or an actual email address, right?

If you just write a name, indeed nothing happens, but actual users and actual emails work just fine. Just in case that is the problem.


RonaldCohen commented

Yes. I type their email address. I also tried adding an email address for someone without a notion account. Even when there are a set of suggestions shown, and I pick one, and it appears in the box, when I press Invite NOTHING happens. But it works as expected on my ipad and iphone, so I have been able to share from there.



thomas_yang Points2080

Hey I saw there's a couple of back and forth.

Recorded a short video to show the steps to share.
[Link Here]

If you're doing everything right and still NOTHING happens then most likelyy a bug.

You can either:


RonaldCohen commented

Thank you for your video, but it does not work. That is what I keep saying I am doing the right thing buitthe software doesn't work on Macos, Windows, or browser. It does work on ipad and iphone.


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